Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Biography

Ahmed Hoosen Deedat (July 1, 1918 – August 8, 2005)
The world renowned Muslim Scholar of Comparative Religion, was born in the Surat district of India in 1918. Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of his father until 1926. His father, a tailor by profession, had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat.
With no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he went to South Africa in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in India in 1927 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed away a few months later.
In a foreign land, a boy of nine with no formal schooling and command of the English language began preparing for the role he was to play decades later without realizing it.
Applying himself with diligence to his studies, the little boy not only was able to overcome the language barrier but also excelled in school. His avid passion for reading helped him gain promotions until he completed standard six. Lack of finance interrupted his schooling and at the early age of about sixteen he took on the first of many jobs in retailing.
The most significant of these was in 1936 where he worked at a Muslim owned store near a Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. The incessant insults of the trainee missionaries hurled against Islam during their brief visits to the store infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counteract their false propaganda.
As fate would have it, Ahmed Deedat discovered by pure chance a book entitled Izharul-Haq, meaning, ‘The Truth Revealed’. This book recorded the techniques and enormous success of the efforts of Muslims in India in turning the tables against Christian missionary harassment during the British subjugation and rule of India. In particular, the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on Ahmed Deedat.
Armed with this newly found zeal, Ahmed Deedat purchased his first Bible and began holding debates and discussions with the trainee missionaries. When they beat a hasty retreat in the face of his incisive counter arguments, he personally called on their teachers and even priests in the surrounding areas.
These successes spurred Ahmed Deedat in the direction of Da’wah. Not even his marriage, birth of children and a three-year sojourn to Pakistan after its independence dampened his enthusiasm or dulled his desire to defend Islam from the deceitful distortions of the Christian missionaries.
With missionary zeal to project the Truth and beauty of Islam. Ahmed Deedat immersed himself into a host of activities over the next three decades. He conducted classes on Bible studies and gave numerous lectures. He established the As-Salaam, an institute to train propagators of Islam. He, together with his family, almost single-handedly erected the buildings including the masjid, which is still a landmark today.
He was a founder member of the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI), Durban, and became its President. He has authored and published several books and distributed millions of copies free of charge. He has delivered thousands of lectures all over the world and successfully engaged prominent Christian Evangelists in public debates. Several thousand people have come into the fold of Islam as a result of these efforts.
In a fitting tribute to this monumental achievement, he was awarded the King Faisal International Award in 1986, a prestigious recognition of enormous value in the world of Islam. However, no number of awards and honors can truly capture Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s essence and zeal for Islam.
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat passed away on August 8, 2005 (aged 87). We pray that Allah accepts all his good deeds and his work in the service of Islam and Comparative Religion. Ameen.
23/12/2016: We have recently launched Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Radio – – Listen Live 24.7 – All of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s lectures, debates and programs!
Contact Information:
Following is the latest contact information for The Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) in Durban, South Africa.
Your could email or call to get more information about events and news. The IPCI also provides free literature on request.
The Islamic Propagation Centre International
4th Floor, 124 Queen Street, Durban 4001 South Africa
P.O. Box 2439, Durban 4000 South Africa
Phone: +27 031 3060026 / 7
King Faisal International Award; 1986
Following is the translated copy of the King Faisal International Award presented to Sheikh Ahmad Deedat for his prominent service to Islam for over a period of forty years. At present Mr. Deedat is recovering from a stroke he suffered in 1996-97. We pray to Allah for his health and recovery. May Allah Almighty shower his Blessings and Mercy upon him.

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Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT accept all his good deeds and forgive his shortcomings, and grant us ability to takeover from where they left. Aameen.
Al-Hamdulillah I spent a very great and a long time visiting Shaikh Ahmed Deedat Rahimahullah almost daily to King Faisal Specialized Hospital along with my friends Br. Imran Siddiqui (Islamic Orator on Comparative Religions, and Founder of IREF-Islamic Research and Educational Foundation, and supposed student of Shaikh Ahmed Deedat Rahimahullah) and others during his treatment while he was admitted to this hospital in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Al-Hamdulillah got benefited greatly from him even though Shaikh was bedridden and paralyzed. Finally, I also consider myself as his student. Also, frequently met Brother Yousef Deedat Hafidhahullah, and Shaikh’s wife during almost our every visit. May Allah SWT forgive the Shaikh for all his shortcomings and grant him Jannat Al-Firdouse in the hereafter. Ameen Ya Rab Al-Alameen. I wonder if someone could provide me with the contact number of Brother Yousef Ahmed Deedat (Hafidhahullah).
Thru His Literatures Am Now Withstanding And Harder On Devils…May The Almghty Allah Grant Ahmed Deedat Jannatul Firdausi..Inshallah Rip Sheikh!
may Allah guide and reward him and may his soul rest in perfect peace
ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!! May almight grand him with aljannatul fiddausi may allah forgive him and may allah help his family and may allah help me to be like him ABUBAKAR MUAZU IBRAHIM from KADUNA, KADUNA STATE OF NIGERIA.
I have never seen such kind of agrat man.
may Allah bestow him the highest place in jannah….personally he continues to be my role model throughout my life….his speech, knowledge amazing……
Uhum we never forget the strong man like dedat in our life my Allah grand him paradise
May almighty grant him with jannatul firdaus ameen
SALAM ALAYKUM. Only Allas (swt) can reward Ahmad Deedat.He did his best to show Islam to the world. May ALLAH grants him Djannatul Firdaws.
may d peace and blessing be on to him and also may allah have his hand on his family dt his left.
May Allah reward him to paradise he was very good scholar of Islam i like some much
May Allah grant him Heaven and may his sins be forgiven. RIP Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
May Allah (s.w.t) forgive Ahmad Deedat for his enormous contributions to Islam. I listened to his numerous lectures and read his book entitled,”IS THE BIBLE GOD’S WORD?” and I immensely benefited from it. My words are not enough to express my appreciations and how I hold our great intellectual. May his deeds be accepted by Allah. The loss of this man in the face of muslims is unreplenishable. May Allah forgive him,AMEEN.
Ahmed Deedat,May Allah rest his soul in peace and have mercy upon him.
Sheikh Ahmed DEEDAT is my favourite scholar I really admire him,May his soul rest in peace…I love you Mr DEEDAT……
AW WR WB May Ahmed Deedat allah reward you jannatul firdous !!! His best intelactul muslim hero!!!
may allah put him in paraddise
Allahu Akbar Allah shed your mercy to shk ahmed.ameen
Shiekh Ahmed Deddat (Rahmatullah alaih) Masha Allah he has done a great job for Muslims & Islam its being only 2 months i started watching his lectures & debates but i am able to debate with Christians around me, i love him soo much i wish i could see & meet him but Insh Allah i believe if i do good deeds i will meet him in Jannah Insha Allah, an honorable great man
May Allah swt grant him highest place in Jannah
Muhammad Fahad Rehman (Karachi, Pakistan )
Ma’a Salama
May jannatul firdaus be his final abode. He is indeed my role model.
mashAllah, in the name of ALLAH i missed sheikh ahmed deedaat may ALLAH bless u and grant u mercy inshAllah we pray for u
May Allah bless our father ,our teacher, the brave man , the lion, the wise and intellectual Sheikh ahmed deedat, he revealed the truth , told the world to know the chain of messangers of God from ADAM. ..moses, ..Jesus .. to Mohamed (pbuh).. that they were all messangers of Allah , spreading the message of God, to the people .. that there is only one Almighty God to worship. and all the God`s messangers were telling to the their people only that message . May allah forgive us , and forgive our parents and Children , may allah reward us to Janah. May allah reward Ahmed deedat To JANATUL FARDOSA FOR his sucriface to spread the Word of God. AMEEEN
my ALLAH grant him for all the good he did
may ALLAH grant him in janah the goodhe did
May Allah make paradise to be his home and may Allah make me more him to be deedat plus.
The holy Quran which is seen with Deedat in the picture .. Where can I purchase it from
السلام عليكم Please contact – – IPCI publish it.
Assalaamualikum W.W
Sheikh ahmed was truly a unique astounding man! SubhanAllah! May Allah fill his qabr with noor and grant him jannatul firdous without reckoning…and aunty Hawa a!so…aameen thumma ameen!
what i would like to know is did sheikh deedat have chikdren? N if so how many? Im just curjous bcz im a really avid fan of his books n debates n im curious about his famiky…
I just known him via youtube recently… I watch his video every day….and Mashallah , how he explain about one case per case its very clearly. And I also just known he was already passed away. Sad…may Allah give him Jannatul Firdaous …
I do not have much idea about this great man. I can not imagine how talent he was and blessing of Allah for the man kind. May Allah rest his soul in paradise. Ameen
Sir Ahmad Deedat may increases his Noor in ur grave & grant u Jannatul Firdous. may Allah Guide & Protect ur children;grand children & the entire brothers & sistas in Islam. Ameen
I first have to thank Allah for the opportunity given to me in late 90’s, when I was working in Jeddah to attend his few lectures when and where there was no such a practice of propagation then as such found in KSA. He was the first one to land in Jeddah to give a stunning lectures and attend by thousands of people of different nationality. I was lucky to have met him for few minutes which I was truly blessed by the Almighty Allah. He was very simple with immense knowledge proved to be a driving force. I still cherish those beautiful memories. May Allah bestow upon him HIS all the bounties reward him with Jannat Ul Firdaus. Ameen
Assalamu Alaikum warahamtullahi wabarkatuhu
Inshaa Allah he allah(swt)granted him in janaatul firdous. He was a great speaker ever.He was listen all question and he answer them very smoothly.i like to see how he was speaking amaizing .Inshaa Allah in janaatul firdous Allah (swt)give him high place
What a true islamic scholar we love your works and teachings. May the Almighty Allah (swt) grant you jannah. Amen
Asalam alikum wa rahmathullahi wa barkatuhu
I am inspired lot by my beloved orator Mr Ahmed deedat ( may Allah bless him paradise) and I am good at debates with Christians and I still have in Google+ etc and I want to know the way to become a orator like Deedat can anyone please suggest me, may Allah reward you, inshaa Allah
InshAllah He Allah(SWA) granted him Gannatul Firdaws. He was a really Scientist . Lats we all make DUA in order such kind of people become more and more. AMIN
Assalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.
May Allah azza wajjal have mercy upon his soul, may He lighten up his grave with noor and protect him and give him the high place in Jannatul firdous. Ameen
I would like to know if IPCI have an email address cos I have a friend who needs some few copies and audios.
and I would like to know if it can be posted
shukran Jazakumullah khair
Waalikumasalam, sure please get their contact details from their website –
may allah reward you jennathul firdows.
Salamalakum, I thank Allah (swt) for the knowledge; Wisdom
he has given to Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. He was a great speaker of all time. He had so much passion for his deen. May Allah mercy be upon him. Ameen.
may Allah pleased with him and admit him to firdows
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahe wabarakatuhu,
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat he was such a great scholar,great personality we really Thank ALLAH (swt) he has sent you among us for the great service to Islam, let ALLAH (swt) grant Sheikh Ahmed Deedat Jannathul firdous and bless you in your grave and enter you Jannah, Ameen Suma Ameen.
G.Mohamed Rafi from India (Chennai)
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahe wabarakatuhu,
I attended one of his lectures in Riyadh in 1990s. I ask Allah swt to give him place in paradise.
May Allah bless him and rest his soul in perfect peace.
May Allah grant him Jannah and may he lighten the grave for him
May Almighty Allah grant him Aljanna Firdaus, bless us and his family.
Salam, I thank Allah (swt) for the knowledge; Wisdom
he has given to Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. He was a great speaker of all time. He had so much passion for his deen. May Allah mercy be upon him. Ameen.
May Allah be pleased with him & may gave birth a lot of Deedats
Assalam mu alaikum,
Al-fetaha to respectable Shiekh Ahmad Deedat, may Allah have mercy upon him and reward his efforts, dedication and commitment to Allah during his life time.
May Allah accept his good deede and give ferdosel Jenna
Assalamualaikum such great scholar we really salute for your great service to Islam, Islam is a peace religion in the world. and Maasha’ALLAH Sheik Ahmed deedat what a great personality May ALLAH grant him Jannathul firdous we really miss Shiek Ahmed Deedat today we are feeling your absence you were the sincere preacher. This is our bad luck we haven’t meet you but Insha’ALLAH we will meet in Jannah. May ALLAH reward you Jannathul firdous Aameen
Assalamualaikum Maasha’ALLAH He has done a great gob May ALLAH grant him Jannathul firdous..Aameen ya Rab
Allahu akbar
I like the way sh.ahmed deedat propagated islam, I realy enjoy the lectures of the great sheikh and inshallah inshallah I will make dua for him may allah make waasec for his qabri(widen his grave ). AMIN
We have the intention to follow Sheikh A.H.Deedat’s example by preparing propagators of Islam in the African continent and spread the truth of Islam. May Allah S.W. Bless the noble work of the late propagator of Islam.amin. Ekbal fro Kenya.
May Allah bless you in your grave and enter you paradise
I luv mr ahmed dedaat may Almighty Allaaah grant Al_jannat Al faridaos
We miss u so much sheikh Ahmad deedat, you have done so much for islam May allah bless you in your grave and enter you paradise, you and your family inchaallah.Yarhamouka allah shiekh
May d soul of great scholar rest in peace…….Ameeen!!
may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
May the abode of this great soul be Jannatul Firdaus.
What a Brilliant person Sheikh Ahmed Deedat seems from the videos, I pray that Allah grants him Jannat ul Firdous. I wish I could have met this wonderful person.
The life of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat is a utmost example for all the Muslims of the world,We adored him,his mastery of the English Bible language,the Quran,and the Real world matters.
We all remember him in the Holy month of Ramadan Mubarak! We are all praying for him Janatou Firdasy! Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
From West Africa
The Gambia
May Allah Bless Sheik Deedat, His Talks will always be a Guide to all of us. He is Truly the Best guide to all of us and our next generations. May Allah Bless him.
Allahu akbar! A great erudite Islamic scholar. You will forever remember in our heart, may your gentle soul rest in peace! Sheikh Ahmad Deedat…..
Oh Allah, may your blessing and mercy be upon our beloved Father, Grand father, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat. We miss you so much Baba!!! May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amin.
Masha Allah you are his grand son, i love him soo much i just have started watching his lectures & debates for few months now in 2015, may ALLAH swt grant him higest level of Jannah.(ameen )
He was really a brliant Preacher, May he be pleased and blessed.
May Allah reward people like you Sheikh Ustaz Ahmed Hoosen Deedat may Allah reward you and may Allah help those of us who are also interested in the cause of Allah.
my allah give him his mercy to my sheik ahmed deedat
I like AHMED DEEDAT very much. May ALLAHS MARCY be poured upon hi soul.
may ALLAH swt shower his blessings on all thosde who are currently propagating his deen ISLAM.and surely they will sucseed in their good cause.INSHAALLAH.
may ALLAHswt rest Mr.Ahmad DEEDAT”S soul in Heaven…..Ameen
Frank, thanks for asking, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat passed away on August 8, 2005 (aged 87), may Allah rest his soul in peace, thanks for asking, I have updated this page with this information as well. Hope you keep enjoying his programs as we post them (video) on Institute Al Islam on a weekly basis. (See side column with links to his videos).
we are pray to Allah to keep his soul fine.INSHA ALLAH we will be the one that w’ll defending our religion AMEEN.
I like the way how mr. Ahmad Deedat propagated Islam specially his experties in comparative religion. I have read and listen most of his islamic books and cassette tape recorded about islam and debates between him and Swaggart, McDowwell, Sharooz, etc. My querry is, are He (mr.Deedat) still alive today 29 May 2010 ?
Shaikh, doctor ,nuruddeen ustaz…Ahmad deedat passed away date 8 August 2005,but he will still remain alive till eternity,it. Was said great memory and kindness made person immortal but everything beside that are mortal.I love u dr ahmad deedat and I say this on behave of all entire muslim world dead and alive MAY ALL YOUR DEED BE ACCEPTED BY ALLAH AND MEET IN JANNATUL MA’AWAA FIEMAQ ADI SIDQIN INDA MALIIKIN MUQTADIR.ameeeeen
True he shall stay alive in our mind and soul for what effort he have gave to Islam.
He is no more alive today.